Stop fooling around, left lanes are for overtaking! Truck Safety Campaign for National Trucking Week: When you’re on the road, following a few simple rules can make all the difference in ensuring everyone’s safety. One of the most important is to avoid lingering in the left lane unless you’re actively overtaking. Staying in the left lane without reason not only clogs traffic but also creates dangerous situations. And if you find yourself near a truck, remember: if you can’t see the truck driver’s eyes in their mirrors, they can’t see you either. So, hit the gas or make room for those who can.

As our truck driver Marianne says, never hang out in a truck’s blind spot. Motorcycles and cars that loiter in these invisible zones are playing with fire. If you’re going to pass a truck, do it, but don’t stay beside it for no reason. Hanging out next to a truck exposes you to serious dangers, like a tire blowout or mechanical failure. As Christian puts it: A blowout at 100 km/h isn’t the kind of surprise you want.

Imagine you’re in a truck’s blind spot, and it suddenly needs to change lanes to avoid another driver entering the highway. In the end, you might be the one heading off the road. Many drivers struggle to adjust their speed when merging onto the highway, putting trucks and everyone around them in danger. Stay aware of these risks and keep your distance to avoid ending up in a situation where you’re no longer in control.

If a truck signals to merge into your lane while entering the highway, don’t speed up to close the gap. This isn’t just about courtesy—it’s about safety. The trucker has the same right as you to be on the road, and their need to maneuver safely must be respected. Be patient and pass when it’s safe to do so. Having a truck in front of you might not be ideal, but it’s a lot better than having one crash into you!

Finally, as Michael says, when you’re merging onto the highway, forget about fuel efficiency and step on it. If you hesitate or wait for trucks to change lanes for you, it’s as pointless as believing in Santa Claus. Trucks don’t change lanes easily, and many drivers won’t give them the space they need. Accelerate confidently, merge with the flow at the right speed, or slow down and merge behind. Being indecisive next to a truck is a gamble with your life and the lives of others.

Road safety is a shared responsibility, and respecting trucks is a crucial part of that. Understanding the realities of blind spots, braking distances, and the risks associated with trucks is essential for all drivers. Whether it’s avoiding the left lane unless overtaking, passing a truck swiftly and safely, or allowing a truck to merge onto the highway, every action counts. By staying vigilant and being courteous, you help make the road safer for everyone. Remember, the road is shared, and respecting trucks is also about respecting your own safety.

Better safe than sorry: stay alert around heavy trucks.

To all the truckers out there who travel our roads, delivering essential goods that keep our homes running and our economy strong: THANK YOU! Wishing you a great National Trucking Week.


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