Truck driver involved in a violent altercation at a Sherbrooke motel parking lot, captured on video and spread across social media.

Last Monday, Guillaume Lizotte, a trucker from Trois-Rivières, Quebec, faced a disturbing situation while repairing a mechanical issue on his trailer in the parking lot of a motel in Brompton, Sherbrooke.

Photo from Guillaume’s facebook page.

As he was addressing a blow out situation, he was confronted by an enraged woman.

Visibly upset by the truck’s presence on the property, the woman demanded that he leave and even called the police to report the “intrusion.” The incident was recorded and quickly spread across social media platforms.

Guillaume Lizotte, who works for Transport Quevillon et Fils, explained that he had stopped in the parking lot of the Motel Écono-Nuit after experiencing a blowout on Highway 55. He believed this location was ideal for making the repairs, as it was out of the way and not obstructing any vehicles. He parked on the motel’s gravel lot, ensuring that his equipment did not cause any disruptions.

Truck driver involved in a violent altercation at a Sherbrooke motel parking lot, captured on video and spread across social media.
Photo from Guillaume’s facebook page.

Unable to continue driving, Lizotte needed to fix his truck before resuming his journey, prioritizing safety for himself and others on the road. However, despite his explanation, the woman refused to listen and escalated the situation by physically attacking him, even biting him as he tried to calm her down. She also turned her aggression toward the mobile mechanic on-site.

Despite the hostility, Guillaume Lizotte remained calm and polite, recording the scene to document the altercation (wath the video). When the woman called 911, Sherbrooke police arrived promptly, displaying professionalism in de-escalating the situation. Although the truck driver could have filed charges for assault, he chose not to, recognizing that the woman appeared to be in distress and likely needed help.

Rather than pursuing legal action, Guillaume Lizotte decided to share his experience on Facebook, where the video quickly went viral. He felt that public exposure of the incident was sufficient and preferred to focus on his work rather than spending time in court.

Lizotte concluded that, despite the frustration, he would rather move on and prioritize more important matters in his life.

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