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Oversize Load Convoy Stuck on Highway 50: Quebec 511 Under Scrutiny

An oversize load convoy from Groupe Bellemare stuck on Highway 50 due to unannounced concrete barriers from a construction site.

Last Friday, an oversize load convoy from Bellemare became immobilized on Highway 50 westbound in Mirabel, Quebec.

The truck got stuck between the concrete barriers of a construction site, leading to the complete closure of the highway for several hours and causing significant traffic congestion. The incident was resolved by the end of the day after extended efforts.

Neither Bellemare, the driver, nor the road escorts can be blamed for this event. The necessary permits had been obtained in accordance with the Quebec 511 platform, which accounted for the exceptional width of the load, measuring nearly 5 meters. There were no posted construction signs, and the 511 platform did not indicate any restrictions regarding load sizes on Highway 50. Everything was done by the book, following the available information and with the expertise we expect from Bellemare.

However, upon arrival at the site, the convoy drivers discovered that a construction zone was already in place, despite the fact that work wasn’t scheduled to start until 10 p.m. Jerseys had been set up without prior warning.

With no signage indicating these obstacles, the drivers found themselves in a challenging situation and decided to test whether the load could pass through. While they initially managed to proceed, further down the road, the gap between the barriers narrowed to about 4.5 meters—too tight for the convoy to continue. The contractor responsible for the construction was contacted to develop a solution.

Two options were considered: moving forward by removing about 200 jerseys or reversing over a shorter distance by shifting just a few concrete barriers. One of the road escorts was dispatched to check an alternative route, while the others managed the situation on-site. Law enforcement was also called in to ensure safety.

Adding to the convoy team’s challenges, a car broke down, blocking the truck just as it was ready to move. The team, equipped with extra fuel, provided gas to the stranded motorist, but despite their efforts, the car still wouldn’t start. A tow truck was called, but it took nearly two hours to arrive, further delaying the operation.

An oversized load convoy from Groupe Bellemare stuck on Highway 50 due to unannounced concrete barriers from a construction site.After several hours of effort, the truck was finally able to reverse and exit the area around 7 p.m. A new permit was issued for the alternative route, and the convoy was escorted by police to a secure parking area. The delivery was successfully completed the next day in the Ottawa region, without further incidents, thanks to the quick response from authorities and the effective coordination of the Bellemare team.

In this case, neither the company nor the drivers faced any penalties, as all protocols had been strictly followed.

“The 511 system is essential for verifying road structure compliance. It needs to be up-to-date and validated by the Ministry to avoid situations like the one we experienced,” explains Isabelle Perron, Operations Director at Bellemare. “When everything is done by the book and you still find yourself in such a situation…”


“That said, I want to emphasize the excellent cooperation from the contractor and the Ministry. They were incredibly helpful in getting us out of there. The collaboration was top-notch, truly outstanding.”

Isabelle adds that for Class 6-7 oversized load convoys, a preliminary route validation is conducted by technicians before the convoy can proceed. However, for Class 1 to 5 oversized convoys, this validation is not mandatory.

“We often see this kind of situation in Montreal,” she notes, pointing out that roadwork doesn’t always align with the information provided by the 511 platform.

To prevent similar incidents, a team is usually sent ahead to inspect the routes used by these convoys.

A correction was made on Québec 511 by late Monday afternoon, 3 days after the incident.


The Trucking Profession: Debunking the Public’s Misconceptions

Truckers share their insights on the realities and misconceptions surrounding their profession, emphasizing the diverse tasks they face both inside and outside the cab.

Some people have misconceptions about trucking, thinking it’s as simple as sitting behind the wheel and driving.

However, truckers who responded to this idea on Truck Stop Facebook’s page made it clear that this perception is far from reality. In this article, we give voice to professional drivers.

A Misguided Perception of the Job

Truck drivers report that their work involves far more than driving, with many tasks occurring outside the cab.

“I spend more time outside my truck than inside. Think of me next time you’re drinking a glass of milk, my friend!” says Gabrielle, a driver specializing in milk transportation.

trucking misconceptions, securing a load.For flatbed haulers, tasks include securing and unfastening tarps or straps, sometimes under extreme weather conditions.

The Diversity of Trucking and Challenges

The trucking profession varies widely depending on the type of haul. Tasks differ significantly between a driver handling freight that requires manual labor, a tanker truck driver, or a dump truck operator. Food delivery truckers, for example, often spend long hours loading and unloading trailers multiple times a day.

“Come try food service. They should unload a 31-foot trailer daily for a week, and then we’ll talk,” says one driver.

In specialized transport, such as oversized loads or heavy material hauling, the challenges are significant. Drivers must handle complex vehicles, manage delicate cargo, and navigate tight spaces. As one professional put it:

b train backing up, trucking misconceptions.
YouTube image.

“Try backing a B-train through a mess of car drivers who aren’t helping and are just in your way.”

These truckers also face unexpected situations like traffic jams, road rage, or harsh weather conditions such as snowstorms, white out and ice, requiring constant vigilance—often beyond that of a regular driver.

Truck Drivers’ Multiple Responsibilities

Beyond driving, truckers perform a range of essential tasks to ensure their job runs smoothly. Each driver is required to keep a detailed logbook to comply with legal driving hours. They must also conduct regular vehicle inspections to ensure everything is in order. Route planning is crucial not only to meet deadlines but also to avoid roads prohibited to heavy trucks.

Truckers must be familiar with local, national, and sometimes international regulations to transport goods legally. In winter, some drivers must install chains on their tires when crossing mountainous regions, adding another layer of difficulty. Whether cleaning their trailer, maintaining refrigeration units, or ensuring equipment functionality, these tasks highlight the physical and mental demands of the profession in the trucking industry.

Vigilance and Safety: A Major Responsibility

One of the most underestimated aspects of trucking is the constant vigilance required to ensure road safety. Driving a heavy truck loaded with tons of cargo demands concentration and anticipation of hazards far beyond what a car driver might imagine. As Jeff, trucker, reminds us:

“A brain surgeon makes a mistake, one person dies. A trucker makes a mistake, multiple people die. That’s the responsibility we bear.”

This level of attention requires truckers to monitor not only their own driving but also the actions of other vehicles, pedestrians, all while adhering to strict safety regulations.

“Driving a truck is easy; the hard part is managing pedestrians, cyclists, and other drivers,” adds another.

A Mentally and Physically Demanding Job

Contrary to popular belief, sitting behind the wheel for long hours is far from relaxing. It requires intense mental alertness, which, combined with physical fatigue, quickly takes a toll on both body and mind. The stress of meeting deadlines and dealing with traffic weighs heavily on truckers.

“You have to be attentive all the time, driving for others, managing time and stress!”

The physical impact is also evident: joint pain, back issues, and chronic fatigue are daily realities for many in the profession.

The Reality of Schedules and Life on the Road

Drivers often face demanding schedules in the trucking industry. Long hours behind the wheel (up to 13 hours), sometimes overnight, and weeks spent away from home take a personal toll.

“Humans aren’t made to live alone! Long-distance truckers often face a lot of solitude,” says another driver.

This reality complicates not only social life but also affects the mental health of some drivers.

An Essential Job for the Economy

Despite these challenges, many truckers are passionate about their work. They emphasize that without them, the economy would collapse, as everything we use daily has been transported by truck at some point.

“What a tough industry, you have to experience it to understand. Hats off to all of you; you’re the backbone of the economy!”

Yet, the profession remains largely underestimated by the public, who often only see the surface. One driver concludes:

“The job may seem easy based on the simple image of sitting behind a wheel. From experience, managing a truck with its ups and downs is less exhausting than managing human relationships.”

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Truckers Identify 10 Training Gaps in the Transport Industry

Truckers identify key gaps in transport training, emphasizing real-world experience, load securement, and stress management skills.

What should be added to transport training? According to truckers who responded to the question on the Facebook page, several essential aspects of the training require more attention.

While responses vary, a recurring theme is the lack of hands-on experience and training related to real-world situations that drivers face daily.

Basic Mechanics

One of the most frequent requests from truckers is to include basic mechanical training in the curriculum. Drivers feel that understanding the fundamentals of mechanics would better prepare them to handle minor issues on the road. Some believe this should be a mandatory module, as these skills not only reduce downtime but also enhance road safety. Others suggest that companies should offer practical garage training for drivers who need it, providing paid training that would benefit both drivers and the industry in the long run.

Backing and Complex Maneuvers

Backing maneuvers, particularly in challenging conditions like tight spaces or blind-side maneuvers, are another key area highlighted by truckers. They note that, although current training addresses these areas, it often lacks depth or sufficient practice. Many suggest increasing hands-on practice hours in real-world contexts, with loaded vehicles in more complex urban areas. They believe that mastering these skills can help reduce time losses and frustration on the job.

Navigation and Orientation

Some instructors emphasize the importance of understanding cardinal directions and the difference between odd and even-numbered highways to better navigate routes. However, it was noted that few drivers grasp these concepts fully. In addition, the importance of route planning without relying solely on GPS was raised. While some drivers are comfortable with new technologies, they argue that using tools like maps and atlases should remain an integral part of training to avoid unexpected surprises on the road.

Civility and Courtesy

Road courtesy and teamwork among drivers is another recurring theme. Many drivers lament the decline in mutual support that was once common in the industry. For instance, slowing down to allow a fellow driver to merge back into a lane is not only courteous but also enhances overall road safety. Some drivers wish to see modules on etiquette and road civility included in the training to encourage new drivers to respect the unwritten rules of the trade.

Truckers identify key gaps in transport training, emphasizing real-world experience, load securement, and stress management skills - photo load securement.Load Securement

Load securement and trailer loading are other areas where drivers feel the training is insufficient. Many believe that the current curriculum doesn’t dive deep enough into the art of properly securing loads, especially when it comes to specialized transportation, such as flatbeds or tankers. Some drivers suggest incorporating a full module on securement, including practical case studies involving complex loads, to better prepare them for challenges they will encounter on the road, potentially reducing the number of load-related accidents.

Ongoing Training and Transport Diversity

For many drivers, the current training provides a solid foundation but doesn’t fully reflect the diversity of transportation types they’ll encounter on the job. Many would like to see the curriculum include more hands-on experiences with real-life situations such as hauling hazardous materials, oversized loads, or tankers. They point out that such specialization is typically learned on the job but could be included in the basic training to better guide students in their career choices.

Respect and Attitude Toward Truckers

Another issue raised is the lack of respect between veteran drivers and newcomers. Many drivers feel that a gap has widened over time. New drivers often feel criticized and judged by their more experienced peers, while veterans blame younger drivers for not upholding the fundamental values of the trade. Some drivers believe that greater humility among recent graduates would be beneficial, as too many of them leave school thinking they know everything about the profession, when in reality, field experience is essential.

Selection and Qualification

Some truckers feel that the candidate selection process for training should be stricter. The notion that “anyone can be a truck driver” is seen as dangerous by many. A recurring suggestion is to introduce a more rigorous evaluation process to identify those with the true potential for the job. This process could include pre-assessments to test basic skills, motivation, and even the ability to cope with the psychological and physical demands of the profession. Another suggestion is to introduce a probationary period after obtaining the license, similar to motorcycle licenses, where new drivers would be closely monitored before being allowed to undertake long-haul trips alone.

Driving in Difficult Conditions

Many drivers emphasized the importance of practicing driving in challenging conditions, such as during snowstorms or on mountainous roads. Current training primarily focuses on driving in optimal conditions, but the reality of the job is often different. Truck drivers frequently navigate in extreme weather conditions, and the training doesn’t always reflect these challenges. They believe that simulations or real-life practice in difficult conditions would better prepare future drivers to handle such situations.

Technology and Stress Management

Another issue raised is the importance of knowing how to use technology wisely while staying focused on the road. Many veteran truckers lament that new drivers rely too heavily on GPS and other tech tools without manually checking routes or anticipating unforeseen situations. Additionally, some experienced drivers have noted the rising levels of stress among new truckers and believe that stress management techniques—such as learning how to stay calm under pressure—should be addressed during training.


In summary, truckers believe that while current training provides a solid foundation, it could be greatly improved by incorporating more real-world practice, a basic mechanics module, lessons on civility and teamwork, and better psychological preparation for managing stress and unforeseen events. However, they emphasize that it’s not necessarily about changing the entire training process but rather acknowledging certain gaps in the profession. Drivers argue that companies may also need to step up in providing more ongoing training for drivers after they graduate.

While initial training provides a good knowledge base, it often remains incomplete, especially for more specialized aspects like securing complex loads or handling hazardous materials. Experience and on-the-job practice are crucial to complement this training, but employers must commit to providing ongoing support to help drivers fully develop their skills.

These suggestions, according to truckers, would not only make truck drivers more competent but also better prepared for the challenges of the road.

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Truck Driver Involved in a Violent Altercation at a Motel in Sherbrooke

Truck driver involved in a violent altercation at a Sherbrooke motel parking lot, captured on video and spread across social media.

Last Monday, Guillaume Lizotte, a trucker from Trois-Rivières, Quebec, faced a disturbing situation while repairing a mechanical issue on his trailer in the parking lot of a motel in Brompton, Sherbrooke.

Photo from Guillaume’s facebook page.

As he was addressing a blow out situation, he was confronted by an enraged woman.

Visibly upset by the truck’s presence on the property, the woman demanded that he leave and even called the police to report the “intrusion.” The incident was recorded and quickly spread across social media platforms.

Guillaume Lizotte, who works for Transport Quevillon et Fils, explained that he had stopped in the parking lot of the Motel Écono-Nuit after experiencing a blowout on Highway 55. He believed this location was ideal for making the repairs, as it was out of the way and not obstructing any vehicles. He parked on the motel’s gravel lot, ensuring that his equipment did not cause any disruptions.

Truck driver involved in a violent altercation at a Sherbrooke motel parking lot, captured on video and spread across social media.
Photo from Guillaume’s facebook page.

Unable to continue driving, Lizotte needed to fix his truck before resuming his journey, prioritizing safety for himself and others on the road. However, despite his explanation, the woman refused to listen and escalated the situation by physically attacking him, even biting him as he tried to calm her down. She also turned her aggression toward the mobile mechanic on-site.

Despite the hostility, Guillaume Lizotte remained calm and polite, recording the scene to document the altercation (wath the video). When the woman called 911, Sherbrooke police arrived promptly, displaying professionalism in de-escalating the situation. Although the truck driver could have filed charges for assault, he chose not to, recognizing that the woman appeared to be in distress and likely needed help.

Rather than pursuing legal action, Guillaume Lizotte decided to share his experience on Facebook, where the video quickly went viral. He felt that public exposure of the incident was sufficient and preferred to focus on his work rather than spending time in court.

Lizotte concluded that, despite the frustration, he would rather move on and prioritize more important matters in his life.

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Rodeo du Camion Truck Racing is Coming to Ontario in 2025!

Luc Lafontaine announces the move of the Rodéo du Camion to Ontario, with a new track in Mattawa offering a unique experience for truck racing fans.

The Rodeo du Camion truck drags is making its way to Ontario, bringing an exhilarating new truck racing event to Mattawa from July 31 to August 3, 2025.

Luc Lafontaine, the event’s president, has confirmed that preparations are well underway to welcome truck enthusiasts and adrenaline seekers to this new location.

After the 2024 edition in Notre-Dame-du-Nord was canceled due to safety concerns raised by the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility, the Rodeo team searched for a site that could meet all the necessary requirements. Mattawa was chosen for its ability to host a safe and well-adapted racing track, with a new slope designed specifically for the competition.

A Thrilling Challenge for Truck Racers

In an interview with Truck Stop Québec, Luc Lafontaine shared :

Luc Lafontaine announces the move of the Rodéo du Camion to Ontario, with a new track in Mattawa offering a unique experience for truck racing fans.“There will be a 7% grade. It’s less than what we had in Notre-Dame-du-Nord, but the difference is we’re considering adding two tiers. The racers will start on a steeper slope at the bottom, hit a flat section, and then encounter another slope right after to add a new level of difficulty for the racers.”

The Mattawa site was chosen not only for its modern facilities and large capacity but also for the unique experience it will provide to participants and spectators alike. The location allows for better crowd management and supports the infrastructure needed for an event of this scale, all while maintaining the spirit of the Rodeo.

A Bright Future for the Rodeo in Ontario

Despite the challenges of finding a new venue, Luc Lafontaine remains optimistic and views this move to Ontario as a unique opportunity to expand the event to a broader audience. This new location will offer Ontarians and Canadians the chance to witness an exhilarating show, while giving North America’s top truck racers a new stage to showcase their skills.

2024 Draw: Support the Event and Win Big!

While eagerly awaiting the 2025 Rodeo, the 2024 Rodeo draw is a key initiative to support the event, offering participants the chance to win exceptional prizes, with $42,000 to be won this weekend. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity, with top prizes including a house, a truck or $250,000 in cash!

Visit ElRodeo.com for more infos.

Luc Lafontaine announces the move of the Rodéo du Camion to Ontario, with a new track in Mattawa offering a unique experience for truck racing fans.


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The trucking industry must prepare to welcome and work with Generation Alpha, the cohort born between 2010 and 2024. This generation, the first to grow up entirely in the digital age, brings unique skills and expectations to the workforce. Highly adept with technology, they are also deeply committed to social and environmental causes. Their familiarity with digital devices and proficiency with technological tools will shape their professional expectations, making the integration of advanced technologies in daily tasks imperative for employers. Generation Alpha values flexibility and work-life balance (…)

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Truck Accident in Baie-Comeau Averted Thanks to Citizen Report

A citizen report helped prevent a truck accident in Baie-Comeau by alerting authorities about an improperly secured load.

On September 4, a citizen in the Baie-Comeau area in Quebec helped prevent a potentially truck accident by reporting a heavy truck with an improperly secured load.

Thanks to this report, authorities intervened swiftly to stop the vehicle before the situation worsened.

A citizen report helped prevent a truck accident in Baie-Comeau by alerting authorities about an improperly secured load.

Quick Intervention: Load Falls Without Incident

The authorities intercepted the truck shortly before a load loss could have occurred at high speed on the road. After inspection, the truck was moved to a safer location to restore traffic flow. At that moment, part of the unsecured load detached and fell onto the roadway. Fortunately, no truck accident occurred, and no injuries were reported.

 A citizen report helped prevent a truck accident in Baie-Comeau by alerting authorities about an improperly secured load.

Penalties and Safe Load Securement

The truck driver was fined $554 by Contrôle Routier Québec and was required to secure the cargo properly before continuing the journey. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of adhering to load securement regulations, especially for heavy vehicles transporting large loads.

Reporting Dangerous Situations: A Civic Responsibility

To help prevent truck accidents involving, citizens who witness potentially dangerous situations on the road are encouraged to report them. A simple, anonymous phone call can make a difference. Those in the trucking industry can also contact authorities to report carriers or employers who fail to comply with road safety regulations.

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Wabash Ordered to Pay $462 Million Following Fatal Accident

A court ordered Wabash to pay $462 million after a fatal accident involving a 2004 trailer.

Last week, a jury in St. Louis, USA, awarded a $462 million verdict against trailer manufacturer Wabash, following a fatal accident in May 2019.

In the incident, a car collided with the rear of a 2004 Wabash trailer being hauled by GDS Express, a now-defunct transportation company. The driver and passenger of the car lost their lives in the crash.

According to Wabash, the trailer met the regulatory standards in place at the time of its manufacture, 15 years prior to the accident. Evidence presented in court showed that the car was traveling at 55 mph at the time of impact—20 mph over the current National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) standard for rear impacts (35 mph) and 25 mph over the standard in place at the time the trailer was manufactured (30 mph).

These NHTSA standards pertain to rear underride guards, which are designed to prevent a vehicle from sliding under a trailer during a collision. Wabash emphasized that the speed of the car far exceeded what these guards are designed to withstand under safety regulations.

Despite the verdict, Wabash stated that it would explore all available legal options and emphasized that its underride guards have always met or exceeded U.S. standards. In 2018, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) recognized Wabash as one of eight North American manufacturers surpassing federal standards for rear underride protection.

The attorneys representing the victims’ families argued that the rear guard detached during the impact, allowing the car to slide under the trailer and causing the occupants’ deaths. They challenged not only the design but also the structural integrity of the guard, claiming the trailer was in a defective and dangerous condition.

A court ordered Wabash to pay $462 million after a fatal accident involving a 2004 trailer, picture no 2.

Wabash countered by asserting that no existing technology at the time could have prevented the crash. Furthermore, the company criticized the court’s decision to exclude evidence showing the driver had a blood alcohol level above the legal limit and that neither the driver nor the passenger were wearing seatbelts—information that might have influenced the jury’s decision.

New Rear Guard Standards Challenged for Low-Overlap Collisions

In July 2022, the NHTSA tightened its safety standards for rear underride protection between passenger vehicles and trailers or semi-trailers, adopting requirements similar to Canadian standards. These updated rules mandate that rear guards must have sufficient strength and energy absorption capacity to protect occupants of compact and subcompact cars in impacts at speeds of up to 35 mph. The improved standards aim to protect vehicles that strike the rear of a trailer with 50% to 100% of the car’s width overlapping the trailer.

However, a coalition of safety groups, including Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety and the Truck Safety Coalition, has challenged these new standards, arguing that they are inadequate and dangerous. They have urged the NHTSA to strengthen the guards for collisions involving 30% overlap. A 30% overlap is considered more dangerous because only a smaller portion of the car’s width makes contact with the trailer, concentrating the impact force on a narrower area. This increases the risk of underride, as rear guards are less effective in low-overlap situations.

In June 2023, the NHTSA denied this request, arguing that the data used to develop these rules, particularly from the Trucks Involved in Fatal Accidents (TIFA) database, were more reliable than those from its own Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS).

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Heroic Truckers Form Lifesaving Barrier Around School Buses After I-75 Mass Shooting in Kentucky

Truckers form a protective barrier around school buses during the I-75 shooting incident, praised by authorities for their bravery as the search for suspect Joseph A. Couch continues.

In the aftermath of a mass shooting on I-75 in Kentucky, truck drivers took swift action to protect school buses stuck in traffic.

The tragic event, which occurred on September 7, left five people injured. Joseph A. Couch, 32, is accused of opening fire from a cliff overlooking the highway. Despite hours of searching, Couch remains at large.

Heroic Actions Praised

As traffic came to a standstill, several truck drivers formed a protective barrier around school buses. Congressman Hal Rodgers praised these “unsung heroes” for their bravery in a public statement. Their intervention, alongside local residents providing support to first responders, exemplified true community solidarity during a moment of crisis.

Ongoing Manhunt

Authorities continue their search for Couch in a rural, heavily wooded area near Exit 49. A former National Guard member with a minimal criminal record, Couch remains elusive. Fortunately, no further shots have been reported, and all victims are recovering.

Truckers form a protective barrier around school buses during the I-75 shooting incident, praised by authorities for their bravery as the search for suspect Joseph A. Couch continues.

Professionalism of Truckers

This incident highlights the vital role of truckers not just as transporters, but as protectors in critical situations. Their quick thinking and coordination demonstrate the essential contributions they make to public safety on the roads.

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Urgent Risk to Trucking Industry and Working Conditions in Canada

A truck on a Canadian highway illustrating the challenges related to working conditions in the trucking sector in Canada.

Canada, like Europe, is facing growing risks of exploiting foreign workers in the trucking industry, which could have significant consequences for working conditions, road safety, and business competitiveness. This highlights the need for stricter regulations and protection for workers.

Since the expansion of the European Union in 2004, the road transport sector in Western Europe has experienced an increase in exploitative practices, reports Le Monde. Truck drivers, often from non-EU countries like Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, are hired by companies based in Lithuania or Poland. These drivers work under precarious conditions, sometimes for six months straight, earning wages significantly below local standards.

While the EU has implemented rules to regulate the trucking sector, enforcement remains challenging. Currently, inspectors can only check compliance over a four-week period, but starting in January 2025, they will be able to review records over eight weeks. This should theoretically allow for better oversight, ensuring that drivers return home regularly and that their working conditions improve.

Organizations like Road Transport Due Diligence (RTDD) have been vocal about these systemic abuses. Edwin Atema, a former truck driver and founder of RTDD, asserts that the situation has worsened over the past twenty years. Today, many drivers work in conditions akin to modern slavery, with wage deductions for minor infractions and no paid leave.

In 2023, strikes in Germany highlighted these issues in the freight transport sector. Drivers, mainly from Central Asia and Eastern Europe, protested wage arrears and abusive working conditions. These protests underscored the urgent need for stricter oversight of road transport companies.

Foreign Workers in Canadian Trucking

The situation in Canada mirrors these troubling trends. In Ontario, the labor shortage in the road transport sector is pushing companies to recruit foreign workers through the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP). While this program is designed to address labor shortages, it also opens the door to exploitation. Employers sometimes charge foreign workers up to $50,000 for their work permits before subjecting them to wages below industry standards and poor working conditions.

The rise of the “Driver Inc” phenomenon in Canada exacerbates this issue. These drivers, often foreign workers, are forced to incorporate themselves to bypass employers’ social obligations. Although this status is legal, it is frequently used to avoid paying social benefits such as employment insurance and retirement contributions. These self-employed drivers are thus vulnerable to exploitation, much like their European counterparts.

In both Canada and Europe, unions and associations are calling for stricter regulations to oversee the status of foreign workers. They emphasize the need to protect the rights of these workers and ensure the sustainability of the transport sector by preventing abuses that undermine competitiveness and working conditions in the trucking industry.

Risk of Deteriorating Working Conditions in Transport

Social dumping is one of the primary risks for Canada’s road transport sector, where companies hire foreign workers at low wages under conditions below Canadian standards. If not properly controlled, this could lead to a general decline in wages and working conditions across the trucking industry.

The exploitation of foreign truck drivers could intensify, with drivers subjected to low wages and excessive working hours, similar to the abusive conditions seen in Europe. Prolonged working conditions also pose significant risks to road safety, as fatigued drivers are more likely to cause accidents. As in Europe, some truck drivers in Canada could find themselves spending months on the road without returning home, exacerbating safety concerns.

The use of Drivers Inc in Canada presents another serious problem. By circumventing fiscal and social obligations, these practices deprive governments of critical revenue needed to fund social programs like employment insurance and retirement. Additionally, this creates unfair competition, penalizing companies that comply with labor standards and threatening the stability of the freight transport sector.

To prevent Canada from following Europe’s path, it is crucial to strengthen regulations in the trucking sector and ensure better protection for foreign workers. Strict enforcement of labor laws is also essential to protect these vulnerable workers and safeguard the sustainability of the road transport industry. Although Canada has not yet reached the level of exploitation seen in Europe, current trends indicate a real risk of moving in that direction. It is imperative to protect the integrity of the Canadian transport sector to prevent a deterioration in working conditions and to ensure fair practices while keeping roads safe for everyone.

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Double Brokering in Trucking: Preventative Measures Against This Practice

Here are several recommended steps to ensure the security and integrity of transportation transactions and avoid double brokering in trucking

To effectively combat double brokering in the trucking industry, transportation companies must adopt proactive and rigorous prevention measures. Here are several recommended steps to ensure the security and integrity of transportation transactions:


Conduct thorough research, including a comprehensive background check, on the broker you are dealing with to ensure their legitimacy. Additionally, verifying a company’s credit score can provide valuable insights into the broker’s reputation.

Ensure that you verify the contact information of the broker or carrier you are working with. Many identity thieves are eager to deceive individuals into parting with their hard-earned money, and fraud schemes are becoming increasingly sophisticated by the day.


After each successful transaction, make sure to strengthen the relationship and save the contact details of the individual. This way, you’ll have a reliable person to reach out to if other opportunities for collaboration arise.

Before this, ensure you do your research and only work with brokers who have a good reputation and a solid track record. Check their references, reviews, and accreditations to ensure they are trustworthy and reliable.


If a load rate seems too attractive, it could be a sign that you’re dealing with an illegitimate broker who has no intention of paying. They might also offer a high rate to lure carriers.

Another indication of double brokering is if the rate confirmation requires you to identify yourself as someone other than the actual carrier who booked the shipment. In some cases, a broker may insist that the proof of delivery is sent to a random email address immediately after delivery.


While communication is crucial in every transaction, creating open lines of communication with all involved parties is essential to avoid double brokering. Maintaining clear communication also helps you track your loads throughout the transportation process, allowing you to quickly identify any potential issues and take corrective action if necessary.

When your broker or carrier does not respond promptly to your inquiries, starts providing vague or incomplete information, or becomes generally difficult to contact, consider it a sign that it’s time to find new brokers or carriers.

For a successful shipment, all parties involved in the transaction must set clear expectations and be responsive throughout the different phases of the transportation process. By adopting these preventative measures and remaining vigilant, transportation companies in Canada can better protect themselves against the risks and consequences of double brokering, ensuring the safety and efficiency of their logistics operations.

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